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customer support page or email with any additional questions.
What is Prime PD?
Prime PD is a streaming service that offers a wide variety of fitness classes designed to fight the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. You can watch as much as you want, whenever you want – all for one low monthly price. There's always something new to discover and more classes are added every week!
How much does Prime PD cost?
Watch Prime PD on your smartphone, tablet, Smart TV, laptop, or streaming device, all for $99 per year. Your first 7 days are free. There are no extra costs, no ads, no contracts, and you cancel anytime from your user account.
Where can I watch?
Watch anywhere, anytime. Sign in with your Prime PD account to watch instantly on the web at from your personal computer or on any internet-connected device. You can also download our iPhone and iPad app for easy access, and you can watch on your Smart TV (Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and Apple TV).
How do I get Prime PD on my smart phone or tablet?
Prime PD apps are available to download in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Click here to download the iPhone or iPad app and
click here to download the Android app.
How do I watch Prime PD on my Smart TV?
Prime PD is currently available on all Roku Smart TVs, Amazon Fire TVs, Apple TVs, and will be available on additional Smart TV platforms soon. If you have a Smart TV, visit the App store, search for Prime PD, and hit download. New users will need to create an account on our website before being able to use the Roku, Amazon Fire TV, or Apple TV app.
How do I cancel?
It's easy. From your user account, you can simply click "Unsubscribe" and your subscription will be cancelled - no questions asked. There are no pesky contracts or commitments. If you have any issues, you can always email There are no cancellation fees - start or stop your account anytime.
What can I watch on Prime PD? Prime PD has an extensive library of neurological fitness classes, provided by certified coaches across the country. This includes a variety of workout methodologies, styles, and types, ranging from Boxing for Parkinson's to Yoga for MS to specialized stroke rehabilitation techniques. Seated and standing options are available.
How do I cancel? Prime PD is flexible. There are no pesky contracts or commitments. You can easily cancel your account online by emailing or clicking "Unsubscribe" in your account settings. There are no cancellation fees - start or stop your account anytime.
What can I watch on Prime PD? Prime PD has an extensive library of disease-targeted fitness classes, provided by certified coaches across the country. Just our Parkinson's library has over 300 classes including boxing, LSVT BIG and LOUD, PWR!, Yoga for Parkinson's, HIIT, Meditation, seated and standing workouts, and much more.
How can I request to delete my account?
Simply email that you would like to have your account deleted, and we will confirm within 3 business days when your account information has been deleted. The data that will be deleted includes your name, email, date of birth, insurance information, and any other personally identifying information.